Download or watch 災害時に水を相互供給へ「リスクを大幅に軽減」 白石市と蔵王町が協定〈宮城〉 (24/09/02 12:10) video online from 仙台放送ニュースチャンネル (ID: UClElfQ7F1QndkPEFuqrDCLQ)
Shiroishi City, Miyagi Prefecture and Zao City have signed an agreement to install new water pipes to provide each other with water in the event of a water outage during a natural disaster. At a signing ceremony held at the Miyagi Prefectural Office, the mayor of Shiraishi and the mayor of Zao signed the agreement. According to the agreement, in the event of a water outage due to a natural disaster, etc., the water pipes on the border between Shiroishi City and Zao City will be connected by a pipe approximately 60 meters long, allowing water to be distributed between the two cities. It is planned to provide water to designated evacuation centers and hospitals. The agreement also includes joint procurement of equipment needed to upgrade water supply facilities and joint training for staff. Shiroishi City Mayor Yuichi Yamada: “We are confident that we can significantly reduce the risk of emergency situations and create an environment in which local residents can live peacefully.” The new water pipes will cost a quarter of the cost of the project. will be subsidized by the government, with construction scheduled to begin later this financial year.
*, UTAh01hb9-A