Download or watch リガーレやヴォスクオーレ選手も参加! 大河原町でスポーツ体験イベント 〈宮城〉 (24/09/16 12:08) video online from 仙台放送ニュースチャンネル (ID: UClElfQ7F1QndkPEFuqrDCLQ)
In Ogawara City, Miyagi Prefecture, an event was held where residents could participate in various sports to let the townspeople learn about the joy of sports. More than 200 people, including parents and children, attended the Ogawara Sports Festival held at Hills Hanekko Arena, a general high school in Okawaramachi. Players from the Ligare Sendai volleyball team and the Voscuore Sendai futsal team also participated on September 16, and the children learned about the joy of sports by interacting with the players. In addition, the venue had a corner for weightlifting and other activities where participants worked up a good sweat while moving their bodies. Children who participated said, “The attack was fun,” “Everything was fun,” and “I’d like to do it again.” The company that operates the facility hopes to hold the event again next year. .
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