Download or watch 仙台市の敬老乗車証 10月から負担率引き上げ「中止を」 (24/09/04 11:36) video and gif online from 仙台放送ニュースチャンネル (ID: UClElfQ7F1QndkPEFuqrDCLQ)
Before the self-payment rate for the Respect for Aged Pass in Sendai City was raised from 10% to 25% in October, civic groups and others once again called on the city to repeal the increase. Three organizations calling for the abolition of the tax burden submitted 6,300 opposition signatures collected from citizens and others to the Sendai city government. Under the Respect for Aged Pass system, Sendai residents over 70 years old can ride city buses and subways with a 10% surcharge, but it will increase to 25% from October. Civic groups complained that there were many calls for the abolition due to the increased burden of living amid soaring prices. Citizens’ group: “Many people ask, ‘Why October, when people refrain from shopping?’ It is a sustainable system. Explanation: ‘I want to do my best.'”
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