Download 仙台市最高齢109歳の女性に記念品 長寿の秘けつは「好き嫌いせず食べる」 敬老の日 (24/09/16 18:31) video and gif online from 仙台放送ニュースチャンネル (ID: UClElfQ7F1QndkPEFuqrDCLQ)
Today (September 16) is Respect for the Aged Day. The oldest grandmother in Sendai lives in the city, she is 109 years old. Today I received congratulations on my longevity from my family and others. It seems the secret to living a long life is to not be picky about food. Toku Shishido: “Thank you all for coming.” Toku Shishido. He is 109 years old, was born in 1915 and is the oldest person in Sendai. Mr. Shishido was born in Naruko, Osaka City, worked hard making Japanese clothes and got married at the age of 23. They had 11 children, including great-grandchildren. He currently lives in a nursing home in Fukumuro, Miyagino Ward. Today, the mayor of Miyagino presented him with a memorial gift in honor of his longevity, and his family presented him with a bouquet of flowers. Toku Shishido: “It’s a difficult flower, I’m very sorry.” Mr. Shishido’s daily routine included gymnastics. She seemed to be good at knitting, too. He also seemed to eat well, eating three times a day. What does your family think is the secret to your longevity? Mr. Shishido’s eldest son, Ryuichi, said, “He wasn’t picky at all, he cooked well and let me eat it.” Mr. Shishido’s second daughter, Kimiko Miyazaki, said, “He taught me how to make New Year’s stew many times, but he could never get close to the taste. I hope they live long and eat what they like.” There are 1,701 people over 100 years old in Miyagi Prefecture, up 112 from last year. The number rose to a record high. The oldest person in the prefecture is a 111-year-old woman living in the city of Natori, and the oldest man is a 108-year-old man living in the city of Ishinomaki.