Maggie Shinji, a talent from Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, participated in the Miyagi Prefecture Tournament as part of the National Public Safety Campaign. He performed a familiar magic trick that made his ears appear huge and used his large ears to warn people to be careful of scams. On October 10th, I visited the Taihaku area of Sendai… Maggie Shinji: “Ah! I was surprised and my ears became huge!.. Isn’t it noisy? Well, can I go again? Oh! Maggie Shinji, I’m Tsukasa.” At the request of the Miyagi Prefectural Police, I stood on stage to call for the prevention of fraud. Maggie Shinji: “I do a lot of deception, but I don’t think it’s good that I was the one who did it… I hope you have fun deceiving me this time. The egg has left my hand, and now… It’s completely floating in the air! Even if you were deceived by magic, do not fall for the scam! In fact, it looks like he’s already faced attempted fraud. Maggie Shinji: “One thing I thought was that scammers are good people, but the nicer they are at first, the better to be wary of them.” Host: “Listen with big ears, Miyagi is a fraud. ”Don’t be fooled!” Maggie Shinji “Everyone, please listen carefully!”