Download “ラベルもデザイン”東北大学留学生受け入れ120周年記念ビール (24/09/22 12:20) video online from 仙台放送ニュースチャンネル (ID: UClElfQ7F1QndkPEFuqrDCLQ)
The beer, which was created this year to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Tohoku University accepting foreign students, has been on sale at department stores in the Aoba area since the 22nd. A booth was set up at Fujisaki in Aoba, and on the 22nd, foreign students from Tohoku University who participated in the development promoted the appeal of the beer. This beer was developed in collaboration with a brewery in Akiu to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Tohoku University accepting foreign students. The label features images of Akiu Otaki and kokeshi dolls made by foreign students. Customers: “It’s great to learn about history through alcohol.” Foreign student from Tohoku University: “Enjoy it!” Each commemorative beer costs 660 yen and will be available for purchase on the brewery’s online website starting September 30.