“Nothing to fear” – Japan’s largest sports park put to referendum in Miyagi (09/24/04, 18:10)

“Nothing to fear” – Japan’s largest sports park put to referendum in Miyagi (09/24/04, 18:10)

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Download or watch 「何ら恐れるものない」国内最大級スポーツパーク構想で住民投票案〈宮城〉 (24/09/04 18:10) video and gif online from 仙台放送ニュースチャンネル (ID: UClElfQ7F1QndkPEFuqrDCLQ)

The idea is for one of Japan’s largest sports parks, which is planned for the city of Osato in Miyagi Prefecture. After the budget for it was rejected twice by the council, the city has submitted a resolution to hold a referendum on the pros and cons of the plan. Osato Mayor Manabu Tanaka: “We are on the side of the city residents, not the council, so if this happens, we have nothing to fear.” The proposed referendum resolution is submitted to the Osato City Council on September 4. The vote will ask about the pros and cons of the plan for Japan’s largest sports park, which is being planned by the city, and city residents aged 18 and over are eligible to vote. First, the concept for the city sports park is to partner with a Kyoto city company to build 12 soccer fields and housing for more than 1,200 people on 190,000 square meters of farmland in the city. Users will also work to develop agriculture in an effort to revitalize the city, which has a population of 7,518 and an aging rate of about 40%. However, at the June meeting and July special meeting, the council rejected the corresponding budget for the idea, citing a lack of financial justification and concerns about the burden on the city. The project could no longer proceed, and the city’s mayor announced his intention to hold a referendum. Osato City Mayor Manabu Tanaka: “If the city’s residents demand that we stop this project and abandon the plan, I am determined to abandon the plan, and the proposed ordinance will be put to a vote on September 6.”

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